Information Logged

When you visit our site, our server logs information provided by your browser to generate summary statistics, assess visitor traffic, identify popular and less-utilized information, determine technical design specifications, and enhance the user experience. The logged information includes the type of browser used, date and time of visit, the top-level domain name (e.g., .com, .gov, .au, .uk), referring site address, your server's IP address (a unique number assigned to your machine), and accessed page addresses and downloaded documents. No attempt will be made to identify users or track their browsing activities unless disclosure is required by law or mandated by a Court, Governmental Agency, or Regulatory Authority. We solely use this information for statistical analysis or systems administration purposes.

Electronic Mail Addresses

If you provide us with your email address electronically, either through an email message or by joining our membership list, we will only record it for the intended purpose and will not add it to any mailing list without your consent. We value your privacy and will not disclose your email address without your consent.

Subscription and Feedback Forms: 

Certain pages on our website offer online forms for users to subscribe to special services or provide feedback. We only ask for the necessary personal information to fulfill the specified purpose. The information provided will be recorded for follow-up and statistical analysis. Only authorized POS Store staff will have access to this information.


A cookie is an electronic token that is passed to your browser (and your browser passes it back to the server) whenever a page is sent to you. We do not use cookies to collect personal information or to track your activities.



Search terms entered into our search engine are collected but not associated with any other information we gather. These search terms help us understand user preferences and improve our services, but they are not used to identify individuals.

Links to Other Sites

This site contains links to other sites. POS Store is not responsible for the privacy practices of these websites and has no knowledge of whether cookies or other tracking devices are used on linked sites. If you have any concerns regarding your privacy, you should ensure you are aware of the privacy policies of those sites.

We value your privacy and are committed to protecting it. If you have any further questions or require clarification, please contact us at [email protected] or call us at 1800 811 821.